About Us

In the meantime, we had a strong desire to do what some said was impossible. We had our eye on a target and we were not going to be pulled off the line. First responders generally retire much earlier than the general population, leaving a long road until age 65, the “medicare gap.” After a career with pretty decent benefits, including employer group health plans, these officers and firefighters were entering retirement totally sticker shocked at the outrageous cost of healthcare. Many still had entire families to cover, and many found themselves re-entering the workforce just to pay for healthcare.
Well, by God’s good grace we did it! We are very fortunate to have not only a team of type A former law enforcement professionals (ok, now they’re insurance geeks) but others who are some of the brightest minds in the healthcare and insurance industry when it comes to putting together and building health care plans and implementing technology driven platforms to provide the most amazing healthcare solution for our members that is not only comprehensive in design and coverage but also incredibly affordable! Officers, Deputies, Troopers, Firefighters, dispatchers, correctional officers, and agents from all over the USA are rejoicing in something that has literally given them breathing room to help them enjoy their well-deserved retirement. This is where we could have said, “Mission Accomplished.” But it didn’t stop.
You see, we once wore the uniform. We know the demands and the sacrifices that a career on the front lines can do to a person. Sadly, it can take a toll. Mental health awareness has finally made it near center stage with America’s first responders, and we wanted to help. We created the “Behind The Lines Foundation” our 501c3 non-profit charitable organization that supports first responders dealing with mental crisis, severe depression or anxiety. 100% of proceeds funds the provision of very high quality counseling that comes free of charge to those hometown heroes that need help. Thanks to the generosity of supporters, this very valuable resource has become a reality.
Courage is not living without fear, courage is being scared to death
and doing the right thing anyway.