Health Care Solutions
for retired members of
Bernalillo County Deputy Sheriff’s Association

solutions just for our members!
All plans utilize the Cigna PPO Network throughout the United States
Choose a plan that fits your needs and your budget. Plan year 2023/2024

- Uses Cigna PPO Network
- Our top level plan, rich in benefits
- Our lowest deductible plan
- Largest Rx formulary of our plans
- PPO Network mental health
- $0 copay virtual health options
- Fully ACA compliant
- Nationwide Provider Access
- Uses Cigna PPO Network
- “Platinum” plan replacement
- Generic and Preferred Brand Rx
- Affordable and Comprehensive
- PPO Network mental health
- $0 copay virtual health options
- Fully ACA Compliant
- Nationwide provider access
- Uses Cigna PPO Network
- Primary and specialty care for essentials
- Our lowest premium
- Generic Rx Formulary only
- $0 copay virtual health options
- Fully ACA Compliant
- Nationwide Provider Access