Utilizing the Cigna Network nationwide

Value Plan

Summary Plan Description In-Network Provider Out-of-Network Provider
Overall deductible $5,000 Individual/$10,000 family $10,000 Individual/$20,000 family
Out of pocket maximum $5,000 Individual/$10,000 family $10,000 Individual/$20,000 family
Preventive services Covered at 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Provider Office / Online Visits
Primary care office visit1 $15 copay per visit Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Specialist office visit 1 $15 copay per visit Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Mental health outpatient visit Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Virtual behavioral health $0 copay per visit N/A
Imaging / Labs ACA preventative procedures are covered in full
Imaging (CT/PETScan/MRI’s) Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Diagnostic X-ray Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Diagnostic lab work Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Hospital Inpatient Stay
Facility fee Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Physician / Surgeon fee Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Outpatient Surgery
Facility fee Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Surgeon fee Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Emergency Room / Urgent Care
Emergency room care $1000 copay / waived if admitted Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Urgent care $50 copay per visit Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Virtual urgent care $0 copay per visit N/A
Prescription Drug Coverage
Generic $0-$15 copay for 30 day supply Not covered
Preferred name brand Not covered Not covered
Non-Preferred name brand Not covered Not covered
Pregnancy Care
Office visits Bundled with facility care Deductible and 80% coinsurance
Facility and professional services Deductible applies then covered 100% Deductible and 80% coinsurance

1 Office visit and labs copays apply to ACA compliant preventative procedures. Diagnostic office visits and lab procedures apply to deductible and coinsurance. Contact care navigator for assistance when needed.

Rates (monthly premium)
Member $695.00
Member + Spouse $1228.00
Member + child (children) $1200.00
Family $1762.00
ACA Compliant in all 50 states

*Plan summary and rates are the same throughout the USA

*Plan summary as of 04/26/2022

We at Thin Blue Line Benefits Association have set up one navigation link for finding medical providers in your region accessed through the Cigna national network link.

  1. This network link will assist you in finding medical providers within the nationwide Cigna network.
  2. Providers can contract under the name of the medical facility and/or their name so when searching a specific provider please make sure to search both.
  3. Should you be unable to locate a provider in your region please contact us for assistance.

Please enter “continue as guest” and “continue without plan” when prompted during search.

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